Healthy Fishing on the Duwamish River

Many different communities enjoy fishing on the Duwamish River as a way to relax, enjoy the outdoors, connect to their culture, and obtain food. Unfortunately, years of industrial use have polluted the Duwamish River so severely that it will take decades to clean up. In the meantime, people can still legally fish on the Duwamish River and protect their health as long as they catch only salmon and follow certain Washington State guidelines.

This video is a promotional montage for a series of nine videos produced in partnership with the Duwamish Community Health Advocates, Public Health – Seattle & King County, the US Environmental Protection Agency Region 10, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the University of Washington Superfund Research Program. The videos cover the legal and logistical aspects of catching salmon from the Duwamish River and a few delicious ways to prepare a healthy salmon meal at home. The videos were also translated into Mandarin, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Spanish.

Check out the entire series on my Healthy Fishing on the Duwamish project page or visit the WA State Department of Fish and Wildlife’s YouTube channel.

Enjoy your salmon!

Partners: Seattle and King County Public Health, University of Washington Superfund Research Program, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Protection Agency
Roles: Director, Videographer, Editor, Project Manager